Cooke was born in the UK but lived in New York.
Thousands were given body parts from Mr Mastromarino's ring
BODY PARTS BIG BUSINESS IN U.S.A. Plea deal in US body parts case |
The head of a US plot to illegally remove body parts from corpses and sell them for transplant is to admit guilt in a plea bargain, his lawyer has said. One of the bodies plundered was that of famous BBC broadcaster Alistair Cooke, whose bones sold for $11,000 (£5,600). Michael Mastromarino, 44, allegedly earned millions from the plot and is expected to face a minimum of 18 years in prison. Another 10 people have been charged in connection with the case. Co-operation Mr Mastromarino's lawyer, Mario Gallucci, said his client was "facing a daunting battle and he sees this as his best opportunity to accept responsibility and move on". Mr Mastromarino was charged with corruption, body stealing, opening graves, unlawful dissection and forgery.
New Use Found for Leftover Body
Parts from Prisons and Hospitals
in the
War Zone.(enemy bodies only)
Our Firm's Motto: "Waste Not, Want Not."
Photo of a subject successfully put together from discarded body parts
Buy spare body parts and be tough like me.
Great Deal... ALL DAY SUCKERS candy..good for a chew, all night too,
Great Deal... ALL DAY SUCKERS candy..good for a suck and an all night f....un...Great sex aid to put your partner in the mood.
BODY-PART LOLLIPOP CANDY! in bundles of ten, two for a dollar plus postage.)THESE REPLICA CANDY STICKS ( in creamy chocolate and marshmallow)are EXACT COPIES OF AL QAEDA BODY PARTS FROM PRISONERS CAPTURED IN IRAQ.
Also available in wax as Body-part Candles $10 for fifty....Note: Distributors, if you require other body parts to order in bulk, please stipulate age, sex (not available under age 12) and parts required. Special deals for the medical profession, mortuaries, nursing homes, prisons, mental institutions, universities and art galleries. Manufactured by Soylent Green Products Inc.Apply: White House Body- part Replica Sales, Washington D.C. Phone, fax, U.R.L. and address erased by editor.Note: This ad is not recommended by this website and is included for educational interest only.
Body part mold system - Patent 5364580
Then the patient or model is released from the mold and the replica body part can be cast using traditional materials such as plaster or wax. ...www.freepatentsonline.com/5364580.html 39k - Cached - Similar pages -
Chinese method of permanent immobilization very effective.
Question by journalist: "Would it be fair to say this system is being used in U.S. government facilities, even in Iraq and Guantanamo?"
Spokesman: "I can neither confirm nor deny its use, but we can't afford to fall behind the Chinese in this body-part thing..."
You are my moonshine, my only moonshine,
you make me happy when skies are blue
you'll never know dear, how much I love you.
I'll spend all my life drinking you..
Shucks brothers, it were better when we had our own still and shot
government men when they come up the mountain...

.Yes, Siree!
How's my pal Mulrohney doin'. I don't see him at the
Mafia conventions no more.
Pleased ta meet ya pal.I've always liked
Italians.Especially Sicilians. Nice people.

****************************** Love me, I'm Irish begorrah (or almost). Better still, VOTE me in again. I'd be better than Harper. Anyway just TRUST me. because I'm a nice guy! I'm not a crook.
If the worst comes to the worst, can I have conjugal visits from Mila in jail?"
I swear I didn't take a bribe, fellow Canadians. I just found it under my pillow on St Patrick's Day.
Old Irish Adage: He who digs for the pot of gold and loses his soul, ends up in a sack of manure.
"Please don't take the three million back (or was it twenty three million? I forget, because I am just a simple lawyer and I have never been good at figures.). I only told a fib, not a real lie in court! My wife has spent most of it anyway."
It wasn't I who was responsible for the G.S.T. It was the other members of cabinet, who twisted my arm. Yes, it was that woman I made prime minister after me.(Is that believable?) What was her damned name? Kim something, like the soup. Must have been Heinz 49. Or was that in Alberta? She came from B.C. like Trudeau's wife. They are all flaky women out west. I'd better take my anti-altzheimer pill. I'll need them if there is a court case. But then again, I can plead innocent from loss of memory. Bring in the non compis mentis ploy. Yes, there's a thought. But then they might judge me incapable of managing my money and Mila will have it all. But she doesn't know the numbers in Switzerland, haha! I'd better go over those numbers again. I can't keep them hidden in this house. I had better hide them in the attic at Baie Comeau. That's a good plan.....Now let me go over that again. Oh, hell, tabernacle, it is time for my nightcap and Mila is calling . Anyway if I go ,Jean Chr***** will go too. I've still got that golf course thing on him. Trouble is, I haven't anything on Harper, except that he's a bore. Young Peter will be useful where he is. He will cover up if he knows what is good for his dad. There will be no loose ends there, unless I have forgotten something.
"Yes dear, honeypot, I am coming shortly. Just thinking what I will buy you for Christmas, I mean the Holiday Season. Damned political correctness....,. no not you dear!"
My Little Ditty
(I could have been a great poet, if I had not become a great politician...I mean Great Statesman.)
I wasn't in shenanigans at Shawinegan,
Or a homo at Baie Comeau,
Or a Turnip on Bay Street.
My dealings were discreet.
I'm a whiz at offshore banking.
I'm well up in the ranking.
It is me you should be thanking,
For my magical cover-up feat.
Mulroney: "Oh you should have heard me and President Reagan singing Danny Boy!
Or was it Irish Eyes are Smiling? I can't quite remember because we had been imbibing some fine Irish whiskey. I recovered
the next morning but poor old Ron got Altzheimers from it.
Brian Mulroney: The payments and the taxman
Karlheinz Schreiber paid the former prime minister $300,000 in cash in three instalments in 1993 and 1994. But Mr. Mulroney did not declare the money at tax time. The Globe reveals new details about a series of phone conversations and private meetings from Canada to Switzerland in the years after the payments
"I hardly knew the man. What did you say his name was, again?" Oh, I just had coffee with him several times. We talked about hockey, I think. I could hardly understand the guy. His German accent is so thick."
********************************* Well Brian, I'm more Irish than you are. Me muvver was an O'Keefe, descended from Brian Boru...and I don't love you, boyo. You are an embarrassment because you took from Canada for yourself and sold us to the United States. I'd like to take that Order of Canada and shove it in that place the Sisters told us not to talk about. And you didn't even marry a sweet Irish colleen but some shopper-crazy lady from a Count's castle in Transylvania.
"I must remember to order this week's new clothes from Paris. And another pink coloured Rolls Royce and I have to buy some more 24 carat diamond jewellery. The last lot needs cleaning....and Brian needs a new wig and some viagra..."
She spends a Mila minute.
Brian :"My wife and I have an arrangement about money. I make it and she spends it."
M:" I have just one thing to say about the allegation that I spend too much: The money all came from the Canadian taxpayer. Why shouldn't I spend it before the court takes it back again?"
Martin Brian Mulroney ex-prime minister of Canada, has given recent speeches to launch his new book, which attempts to exonerate him from all past blame. His theme is: "I did what was best for Canada, why don't you all love me?"
Well, we have had some strange prime ministers, one who talked to his mother in seances to find out how to lead the country, one who smoked dope, another who waffled his way out of office after a few months, one who garbled "Anglish" in an amusing way from the side of his mouth like an ex-con............
but none of these were disliked nationally as Mulroney was and is
Click Here to Listen to this Irish Song
You see, he was never actually convicted of corruption. He is a great wriggler out of tight spots, like the shyster lawyer some say he is. He worked the system and even got the Order of Canada. He sued the Canadian government and got millions lying in the case about his dealings with a certain go-between.
Well, maybe this website will tell why the public never trusted him.
Mulroney Baloney. There was also a book about him published years ago "On the Take."
When he retired in 1993, Mulroney was one of the most reviled prime ministers in Canadian history. He has seemed irked that Trudeau, who retired as Liberal PM in 1984, is accorded more respect and admiration by Canadians in opinion polls.
Surprise. Surprise. How can you even COMPARE a man who had the guts to legalize homosexuality and abortion, and left behind a precious Charter of Rights ....to a man who has spent his lifetime selling out his country? It's like comparing a giant to a miserable squeaking mouse.
Welcome (we don't need to know who you are.We just want your money)
We don't care if you are from Baie Comeau, Quebec or Coreleone Sicily, your money is good with us. Criminal records not checked. We do not care if you are a member of a corrupt government or on the run from Interpol.
Trudeau:" It was reported by the press that I said "fuddle duddle" but I really meant "fuck off!" To my Quebecois opponent Isay "Chalice, tabernacle! Va fourrer ta mere." And no I don't give a fig if Margaret sleeps with the drummer of the band or even the whole damn bunch of musicians, as long as it does not keep me awake."
She expressed her wish to be alone with President Bush, so she could give him a good hard squeeze.
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