Above right (Jesus here. I have gone South Indian.) When I said "Father they know not what they do." I meant to say they are like a lot of chickens running around with their heads chopped off." Meanwhile here was me nailed up on this bloody cross wanting a drink of water and the buggers gave me vinegar.
Did I die to save those drongos? Not bloody likely, mate.
Another reason is how great it is to lie in bed Sunday morning, hearing the church bells peal and knowing all the other suckers are rushing off to listen to that "religious" nonsense and singing off-key.
20 reasons to abandon christianity.
All religions have their ridiculous side. Hinduism worships rats, elephants and an evil woman (Kali) as well as the monkey and a host of other things. I don't think they worship the mosquito, though a Jain will not kill one and covers his mouth so he will not accidentally eat a fly..
- However the elephant does not walk on water or the rat turn water into wine. Instead of an evil woman Christianity worships Mary who was visited by an Angel and got pregnant though she never had sex with her husband and was a virgin when she gave birth.
- Ho Hum. Do you actually believe any of this?
- Christianity is based on fear
- Christianity preys on the innocent
- Christianity is based on dishonesty
- Christianity is extremely egocentric
- Christianity breeds arrogance, a chosen-people mentality
- Christianity breeds authoritarianism
- Christianity is cruel
- Christianity is anti-intellectual, anti-scientific
- Christianity has a morbid, unhealthy preoccupation with sex
- Christianity produces sexual misery
- Christianity has an exceedingly narrow, legalistic view of morality
- Christianity encourages acceptance of real evils while focusing on imaginary evils
- Christianity depreciates the natural world
- Christianity models hierarchical, authoritarian organization
- Christianity sanctions slavery
- Christianity is misogynistic
- Christianity is homophobic
- The Bible is not a reliable guide to Christ's teachings
- The Bible is riddled with contradictions
- Christianity borrowed its central myths and ceremonies from other ancient religions
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