shut out
I don't know how this happened. I've become locked out of my blog. I changed the title a bit and now I cannot find how to open the blog again to make some changes. this tools part is the only entrance and I am trying to widen it. Ric.

Saturday, 25 October 2008

First Impressions of Japan

*video: Japanese sad song It is considered bad manners to have sex while mixed bathing.


I usually took Korean Airlines from Montreal to the Philippines. I would stay overnight in a luxurious hotel paid by the airlines in Seoul and resume my flight the next day.

I was persuaded on this occasion to travel by Japan Airlines and it was much the same deal. I stayed at the Nikko hotel, a very beautiful, modern building of maybe a thousand rooms set a few miles in the countryside from Narita Airport.

After a welcome soak in a deep tub with a curious rubber ball as plug and the many white towels provided, I slept soundly in the mini- suite with its own bathroom, TV. refrigerator and panoramic views of the forested hills. There were excellent meals, also free for airline guests, in the opulent restaurants . I paid for several Kirin beers which were fantastically expensive. On later trips to Japan I learned to buy Santori akai whisky at a liquor store for about three dollars American for a hip flask.

Next morning, since my flight did not leave until noon, I checked my bag at the desk in the lobby and decided to walk out into the surrounding countryside.

Instead of passing along the sidewalk of the busy road, I entered a picturesque lane. Peering through a fence I saw a delightful scene. A small creek ran under a culvert into a pond. All around clumps of thin bamboos grew wild .and flowering shrubs grew, as if untended.

Without a thought of trespass I climbed over the fence and I threaded my way carefully through the bamboos to the creek.. I must have been quiet because I saw a badger beside the pool and it did not seem to be aware of me. It was grubbing around at the side of the pond, making little snuffling sounds.

I have seen badgers before but this one actually looked Japanese. It reminded me of just how their artists paint animals, with economy of line, upswept whiskers and eyes with an oriental set.. The whole scene with twisted willows, clumps of bamboo, the pond and stream with its little musical gurgles of sound, mesmerized me.

When the badger moved away leisurely, unconcerned with my presence and was lost from view, I passed along a small path towards a building a few yards further on, descending the little rivulet over rocks that appeared to have been set in place for decoration, but I think they were just naturally there. The small building was a kind of wooden shed with a roof of curved timbers and earthenware tiles overlapping , as seen in temples.

Steam was rising from behind a partition. I saw a girl’s arm rise up and pour water onto her hair. She moved outside the area onto a wooden platform, scooping water over her body from a wooden tub..

Then she saw me and gave out a little cry of surprise, dropping a plastic scoop and covering her breasts with one hand and another place with the other.

The spell was broken. I retreated to the fence and hastily climbed over. Not looking back I hurried up the lane and joined the sidewalk of the arterial road where cars sped down to Tokyo.

Five minutes of brisk walking took me to my hotel and as I walked into the foyer, a doorman greeted me “ Anata wa nihon ni suki desuka?”

“Yes” I replied “I like Japan very much.”

….Ric Williams.

G'day mate!

Eureka Stockade Animated flag (Australia)australian flag pictureAboriginal Animated flag (Australia)
Some Australian National Flowers.
GOLDEN WATTLE (Acacia pycnantha). National flower of Australia. The asthma and hay-fever sufferers worst flower. Nuriootpa, South Australia. Taken on 3rd August 2008 by Roger
* The problem in Australia is how to keep out the tourists. The Aussies want to keep it all to themselves. Anyone who has been to Hawaii will understand this sentiment.. (I wonder if this shot is doctored up with Adobe Photoshop. It seems incredible someone can surf in such a high wave. Any comment?) **************************************************************************************************** Shark Attack, Bondi Beach **************************************************************************************************** Here's a tip how to send text messages for free: I was using Skype until a year ago when they started charging for the service and I was unable to pay. I won't use a credit card online and I was not able to set up a Paypal account though I tried several times. The Short Collection – Greeting Cards – Australian Native Flowers Series. Australian Native Christmas Bells. m014

Friday, 24 October 2008

Back to the Future 1929

  1. In America a mother worried
  2. where she will get food, in the Great Depression
This hundred million marks would buy one thousand houses in 1918 and maybe a cup of coffee in 1923. The same sort of thing could happen in America. You better believe it! Photos of the Depression.
  • Inflation could cut its value to one loaf of bread. It has happened before to the German Mark in the 1920's.

On Tuesday, the U.S. national debt topped $9 trillion for the first time in history, according to the U.S. Treasury Department's daily accounting of the national debt. Nine trillion dollars! The number is so staggeringly high that it exceeds our ability to comprehend it in monetary units.

Million, billion, trillion – in financial terms, for most of us, it means a lot of money, really a lot of money, but that is about as specific a picture as most ordinary people can grasp.

Let's put all these “illions” into perspective. A million seconds is roughly 12 days, whereas a billion seconds is approximately 32 years.

We understand dollars. And we understand time. So it would take 12 days to pay back a million dollars at a dollar a second. But if you started right now, you'd pay back a BILLION dollars, at a dollar a second, in the year 2039.

A trillion seconds is roughly 32 thousand years. At a dollar a second, you'd pay back a TRILLION dollars in the year 34007.

The U.S. debt stands at $9 trillion. If my calculator is working, then at a dollar a second, the U.S. could be debt- free in the year 290007.

The point of that little exercise was two-fold. The first was to clarify the sheer volume of the debt; the second was to demonstrate the possibility that anybody in government really believes we can ever pay it off.

Each U.S. citizen's share of the national debt works out, according to the National Debt clock, to $29,947.50. That means the average American family of five owes, collectively, $149,737.50.

It also means that unless the average American family of five has a net worth of at least $149,737,50 in assets excluding liabilities (they don't), America is already bankrupt.

The way the U.S. Administration is rapidly printing currency to pay the $ 700,000,000,000 (actually closer to one+ trillion) a million dollars might buy you a meal in the future. Unemployed march in the Great Depression.
1923 Weimar Republic inflation: A German woman feeding a stove with Papiermarks, which burned longer than the amount of firewood people could buy with them.
1923 Weimar Republic inflation: A German woman feeding a stove with Papiermarks, which burned longer than the amount of firewood people could buy with them.In America banks failed (below)
Run on Banks. and people lost their money.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Global Warming Disaster? Or Propaganda?

Fungi, molds, bacteria, microbes, termites, worms, beetles and slugs produce about twenty times as much CO2 as we humans do, and have been doing so from time immemorial. The Earth has been able to cope with that amount just fine. There is, in fact, a well-developed and immensely old mechanism in place to keep this gas in check.
  • Canada is awaiting beaches like this one.
  • Questions from Ric: Since present carbon dioxide in the air is about 387 parts per million and there is an annual increase of about 3%, how many years would it take before carbon dioxide is 1%, when humans start to get drowsy?
  • What role does phylo-plankton have in carbon dioxide transfer in air, sea, rivers etc and is it more important in this respect than flora on land?
  • During the time mammals have inhabited the earth, have CO2 levels been comparable or higher? Same question specifically for the period mankind has existed.
  • What is the role of earthquakes on land or undersea in CO2 formation and how does it measure compared with present carbon dioxide formation by human activities?
  • What is the role of sunspots, sun's radiation, other forms of incoming radiation and the magnetic area of the ionosphere on global warming? Also what are the effects of meteors on weather and global warming?.
  • Is global warming (or cooling) the result of natural cyclic events?
  • What are the effects of other gases such as sulphur dioxide have on global warming and are they more or less important?
  • Since interacting effects might be so complex are there any studies encompassing these total questions?
  • There are human communities living near volcanoes and might be breathing higher concentrations of gasses from these vents, so what are the effects on them healthwise? Also many high mountain communities are breathing air with less oxygen. Would human beings be adaptable to higher levels of CO2?
  • Would not phylo-plankton and land flora just expand with more CO2 in the air, bringing it back to equilibrium?
  • Without these questions being addressed, I cannot be sure that so-called global warming is a threat, though it might be. (Ric)
    Ocean plankton absorb less CO2
    Phytoplankton (Image: Michael Behrenfeld)
    Nutrient-stressed plant plankton had been mistaken as healthy
    The amount of carbon absorbed by plant plankton in large segments of the Pacific Ocean is much less than previously estimated, researchers say.

    US scientists said the tiny ocean plants were absorbing up to two billion tonnes less CO2 because their growth was being limited by a lack of iron.

    Iron deposits provide nutrients for the microbes, which in turn grow by absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide.

    The findings have been published in the science journal Nature.

    About 50 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide was estimated to be absorbed by the world's oceans, so the reduction could mean up to 4% less CO2 being sequestered than previously thought, the team of US researchers said.

    Phytoplankton (tiny plants) play a key role in the world's carbon cycle, as they are involved in about half the Earth's photosynthesis; along with zooplankton (tiny animals), they form the base of the whole ocean food web.

    Fluorescence fingerprint

    The paper's lead author Michael Behrenfeld, from Oregon State University, said that when stressed by a lack of iron, the phytoplankton created additional pigments that glowed green, unlike normal pigments.

    Dust storm (Image: Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center)
    Dust storms deposit iron particles in the oceans
    But satellite imagery used to monitor the oceans' plankton blooms could not distinguish the difference, he said: "That green colour was not an indication of health, it was an indication of stress from the lack of iron."

    Professor Behrenfeld and his colleagues examined 12 years of data gathered from 36,000 miles (57,900 km) of ship tracks through the tropical Pacific Ocean.

    This allowed them to establish a "fluorescence fingerprint" of what parts of the ocean were experiencing iron stress, as well as areas suffering from a lack of nitrogen - another key element for ocean productivity.

    Professor Behrenfeld said: "Nitrogen and phosphorus are nutrients that come up from the ocean bottom to feed the upper water column.

    "Iron, on the other hand, can come from the deep, but it also enters the ocean through dust deposited by the wind. Windstorms blowing sand and dust off large deserts are a major source of iron for the world's oceans," he added.

    The researchers identified three large areas of the Pacific where phytoplankton appeared to be suffering from a lack of iron - the southern ocean around Antarctica, the sub-arctic north below Alaska, and a vast area in the tropical Pacific centred on the equator.

    Many questions

    Professor Peter Burkill, from the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK, said the study was a welcome contribution to the growing understanding of the oceans' role in the global carbon cycle.

    "We use oceanographic research vessels but they are very limited in their operational capabilities and are also very costly.

    "So we are turning to other techniques, such as satellite imagery. These are not perfect but they do have the advantage of allowing us to look at great swaths of the oceans," he added.

    "Studies such as this help to calibrate these models but there are many other questions out there that still need to be answered, such as how the oceans' physics work and what happens to the carbon that is drawn down."

    Professor Behrenfeld has also been involved in previous experiments in which iron was added to the ocean in an attempt to boost productivity.

    The studies showed that it did boost

    , but it did not deliver the results that models had predicted.

    Professor Behrenfeld said introducing iron was complex: "When you first do it, there is an explosion of growth.

    "Then you add a bit more iron, and the phytoplankton respond a bit more," he said. "But at the same time you are promoting plankton growth, the grazers that feed on them come to life because they suddenly have a more abundant food supply." [iceberg.jpg]
  • Icebergs are mostly underwater.
With oncoming global warming will endangered arctic wildlife find new habitats in Antarctica? Will Polar bears thrive on a diet of penguins?(see polar bears on Squidoo)
Polar bear-grizzly bear hybrid photo
Uproar Over Grizzlies' Likely Loss of Endangered Status
Polar Bears Being Considered for U.S. Endangered ListPhotos: Grizzly Bears in National Geographic Magazine
  • DNA analysis has confirmed that a bear shot in the Canadian Arctic is a half-polar bear, half-grizzly hybrid. While the two bear species have interbred in zoos, this is the first evidence of a wild polar bear-grizzly offspring.
Jim Martell (pictured at left), a 65-year-old hunter from Idaho, shot the bear April 16 on the southern tip of Banks Island (see Northwest Territories map), the CanWest News Service repor
  • Ric Williams is an Australian born resident of Vancouver, Canada shivering in a Canadian summer and pining for the sunny beaches of Australia,
  • Honestly I don't know much about global warming. Up here in Canada we are waiting for it with impatience. (It gets awful cold in Winter!!) We have heard that our northern ports open and free of ice, will make it easier to ship goods back and forth to Europe and Asia. I am thinking of planting a few coconut palms down at Wreck Beach, Vancouver. This might bring back a few of the tourists from U.S.A. who object to our dollar being on par with the U.S. dollar and the two hour waits at the border crossings (blame Homeland Security,)
  • Anyway I am not sure of the facts. Please add your thoughts to this blog about the subject (or any other.)
  • Article from another website: Paladin's Page.*
  • The Global mean temperature of the Earth has not risen is TEN years
  • Over THIRTY THOUSAND scientists are global warming deniers or if you prefer Ms. Siegel’s term, extremists.
  • Computer models designed to simulate the effects of global warming have been proven to be off target by as much as 400%.
  • Data presented in support of global warming (the now infamous ‘hockey stick data’) was flawed based on an incorrect algorithm (actually, it is suspected that the incorrect algorithm was intentionally done that way in order to distort the data) that has been used repeatedly by those who support global warming.
  • The carbon reabsorption by plants is actually a larger buffer than previously thought and this part of the biomass is now taking in carbon at a much higher rate.
  • Volcanism produces more greenhouse gas emissions than man when you get a Krakatoa or a Pinatubo scale eruption.
  • NASA has said that man bears no responsibility for global warming given the fact that Mars has tracked with the Earth in the rise of the global mean temperature. This points to the sun as the ultimate cause of global warming despite researchers on the left stating that the sun has no role regarding the rise of the global mean temperature and argue that the Mars data should be ignored.
  • Finally, if the weather man cannot tell you what the weather will be next month, what in the name of the nine hells makes you believe that he can tell you the temperature ten years from now?

Despite the fact that “global warming” stopped a decade ago, the left continues the crusade. Guess how many committees/research groups congress has investigating the issue, are you ready for it? The American House of Representatives has six bodies formed to fight global warming. If Congress is so well informed about the issue then how can they be so wrong about the facts? The truth is that they know the truth and that takes us back to the proclivities of the left. You know, that old stand-by of theirs, telling lies.

I have no doubt that the left knows all of the facts that I have given you in this article and I also know that they will lie whenever it is expedient to do so and they will not lose a moments sleep for doing so. Why do you think that the Hollywood elite and Al Gore speak in apocalyptic terms yet fly around the world on private jets adding to the danger? Why does Leonardo DiCaprio speak out against carbon emissions in the United States, but supports gas guzzlers in Japan by doing commercials for them? Why does Kassie Siegel make ad hominem attacks rather than state the truth? Because man’s responsibility for global warming is smoke and mirrors and it better suited to David Copperfield than to politics.

The left said to leave the forests natural an not the cut down the undergrowth and communities burned, the left said that DDT was a dangerous chemical and that it would kill us all and millions have perished in the third world, the left said that eugenics was a good idea and the ovens of the Third Reich were lit. Why does anybody even listen to these fools? They listen because these fools are highly skilled liars. When the Environmental Defense Fund was struggling and looking for a cause they found DDT and helped to ban a valuable and effective pesticide and in so doing brought about the deaths of millions from malaria. Did the left prove that DDT was dangerous? No. In fact, DDT was found to be safe in a court of law, but the fear inspired by their lies caused the permanent ban of the chemical. The left forged the research they cited, made dubious claims about cancers caused by DDT, and even said it was to protect the children. All of it was malarkey.

No one who produced, worked with, or was exposed to DDT ever contracted cancer caused by the chemical. In fact, an entomologist at a well known university in California would take out a bottle of the stuff and drink a tablespoon of it every semester just to prove that DDT was safe. Yet the Environmental Defense Fund perpetuated the hysteria that Rachel Carson began and filled their coffers while elevating them to prominence. It is truly amazing what you can accomplish with skillful lies and the attending useful idiots to tell them. But if the left has no use for the facts, then what value does science hold? None, unless we are speaking of pseudo-science that is designed to support the leftist agenda, but that would require scientists who are less than honest and the left has found them. Never underestimate the power of cold, hard cash or the greed of man.

This is why the left continually cites “science” as the argument ender. With regard to global warming, the left says that the science is settled, that there is consensus, and that any delay is simply dragging the feet when the world is at risk. Yet another tall one from the fine tale spinners of the left, how can the science be settled when over thirty thousand scientists disagree about man’s role in global warming? Doubtless that number is small due to the numbers of scientific personnel who remain silent in order to obtain tenure, keep their jobs, and to be taken seriously as professionals. The left can be dangerous to one’s career if you are on the wrong side of an issue as evidenced by the documentary “Expelled.” It would seem that the free expression of ideas and of speech only pertains to the left and their propaganda. While the left constantly screams about fascism and the right, their suppression of free thought and speech is the fascism that they have been screaming about.

The left will never give up global warming until they have run that dog into the ground. They are making too much money, wield enormous political influence, and have achieved too much prestige on the issue to let it go without a fight. But they can see that the end is coming because nature has run out of gas and stopped warming the planet. Eventually they will have to find another cause to rally behind and milk to death and toward that end they have found compact fluorescent bulbs. Good for global warming now and the 3 mg. of mercury each bulb carries will afford them the next major crises that will kill us all. All they have to do is to lie gloriously, continue the global warming panic, indoctrinate your kids at the public school, and keep your legislators on board long enough to get them into your home and then wait until millions of these bulbs show up at the landfills and contaminate the ground water. Presto! Another environmental catastrophe of epic proportions! (Paladin).

colour and light.jpg

The so-called "Global Warming" would be part of a natural process, according to Ball.

We are wasting time, energy and trillions of dollars while creating unnecessary fear and consternation over an issue with no scientific justification: Global Warming is NOT caused by human intervention.
Timothy Ball , Canada
Date Posted: 04/12/07
Reader Rating: rating

After a reported all-night session on April 5, the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its second major report on Global Warming. Climate scientists and government policy administrators from more than 120 countries concluded that we've reached a point that is worse than previously thought. But Canadian climatologist Tim Ball, who wrote last year's article Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?, insists that Global Warming is a big lie and that he has accumulated enough scientific research to prove everybody wrong.

I said it once and I'll say it as many times as I need to until somebody listens: Global Warming is not due to human contribution of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). This, in fact, is the greatest deception in the history of science. We are wasting time, energy and trillions of dollars while creating unnecessary fear and consternation over an issue with no scientific justification. We have created such a level of environmental hysteria that reason, rationality and facts are being thrown out the window.

In the last year, I've seen documentaries, read hundreds of comments in forums and witnessed how scientists around the world try to find the way to stop the effects of Global Warming. The big problem is that all those people do not understand what's really going on. It's all part of a natural process. In fact, since I obtained my doctorate in climatology from the University of London, Queen Mary College, England my career has spanned two climate cycles. Temperatures declined from 1940 to 1980 and in the early 1970's global cooling became the consensus. This proves that consensus is not a scientific fact. By the 1990's temperatures appeared to have reversed and Global Warming became the consensus. It appears I'll witness another cycle before retiring, as the major mechanisms and the global temperature trends now indicate a cooling.

Considering the scientific evidence that is available, the latest report on Global Warming by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change appears to be nothing other than a big lie. They have no real evidence to prove what they are saying. read on via the website:

Daisy Bates.
Daisy bates and a group of women circa 1911.
File:Daisy may bates.jpg

free university lectures online and paste on Google search)

Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. (Isaac Asimov)


جوس اند عربس ار بيج ذي برفت وص above:Shearing of the Rams by Tom Roberts.
The Bushwackers Band - Shores Of Botany Bay3:18
1940 Australian Troops in the Desert 3 min - 2 Jul 2008 Uploaded by skoblinI
The Desert Rats Theatrical Trailer Video!! 3 min - 28 Jul 2009 Uploaded by libyathebest
Shores of Botany Bay.
click photo.

Boer war (Sth African) War Memorial

Please note: Some internet providers including Internet Explorer and even Firefox seem to delete aspects of my blogs. I have found only one, CHROME to be satisfactory.Please down load CHROME in a couple of minutes (free). thank you (Ric)

10176 Hula dancers.Station Logo
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see this acrobat girl video. she is the best!

scroll down the page to see the video.
also these cute hula dancers

illust: Marion Westmacott ©ANBG
driving sydney roads, you tube time-lapse.
Australia's Red Centre, time-lapse.
Tokyo rush hour.
kangaroo versus dingo
Cooke, Edward William, 1811-1880. Prison-ship in Portsmouth Harbour, convicts going aboard [picture]
Prison Hulk holding prisoners to be sent to Sydney Cove.
First Fleet Marine's, Ship's crews and officials in one spot
Settlement (European) began 26th January 1788 here in a place described as
" The closest thing to hell with out being There"

Tie me kangaroo down on the barbie.When he stops jumping, the steaks's ready.

Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport - Sang by Rolf Harris 02:59

free alien animationFree Animationsanimate

australian drinking beer fosters animated gif
Have a beer, mate! We got barbecued crocodile on the menu tomorrow and gutted galah on Wednesday. All kinds of tucker for the sophisticated bushie. DEAD SNAKE SNACK BAR, King's Bloody Cross.
Dedicated to William Nash and Maria Haynes, First Fleet arrivals to Sydney Cove, 1788.

( You did a good job, gr gr gr gr grandma, and grandpa)

above: Braidwood, N.S.W. where my father Hector Williams was born

in Feb, 1909.

Sarah Williams (nee Nash) first generation daughter of William Nash and Maria Haynes.
Prince of Wales, the ship of the fleet William and Maria came on.
...................................................... Scream
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'Ric W

illiams, blog editor.

Welcome. Give your considered opinion, ideas , stories, photos etc about early pioneer Australia.. 'Ric Williams

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Weird Australia.
Crimes punishable by transportation included recommending that politicians get paid, starting a union, stealing fish from a river or pond, embezzlement, receiving or buying stolen goods, setting fire to underwood, petty theft, or being suspected of supporting Irish terrorism.

IRIS Seismic monitor:
This website is edited from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Fishing Boats Steveston, B.C.
Click to enlarge.

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Call me (Canada) 1* 604 800 5017
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Ric Williams.
please feel free to browse my web pages
Backwater, Murray River.

The Sirius - the Sailing Ship Captain Arthur Phillip Travelled in to Australia.

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illust: Marion Westmacott ©ANBG
Sydney-Harbour Time Lapse
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Dutch, Allard map 1690.

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Australian Outback .

"Long before it's in the papers"
June 04, 2013


Move elephants into Australia, scientist proposes

Feb. 1, 2012
Courtesy of Nature
and World Science staff

Aus­tral­ia may need an in­fu­sion of ele­phants and oth­er large mam­mals to solve its per­sist­ent ec­o­log­i­cal and wild­fire prob­lems, a sci­ent­ist pro­poses.

Ecol­o­gist Da­vid Bow­man of the Uni­vers­ity of Tas­ma­nia in Aus­tral­ia cites out-of-con­trol fires and bur­geon­ing fe­ral-animal popula­t­ions as quan­daries af­flict­ing the Land Down Un­der. Both could be solved by in­tro­duc­ing large mam­mals, as well as pay­ing ab­o­rig­i­nal hunters to con­trol the fe­ral an­i­mals and re­store the old prac­tice of patch burn­ing, he ar­gues. Patch burn­ing is a form of con­trolled burn­ing in­tend­ed to clean out and re­new bio­lo­gical re­sources.

“I real­ize that there are ma­jor risks as­so­ci­at­ed with what I am propos­ing,” as any tin­ker­ing with the en­vi­ron­ment can lead to un­planned con­se­quenc­es, said Bow­ma­n. “But the usu­al ap­proaches to ma­n­ag­ing these is­sues aren’t work­ing.”

Bow­man de­scribes his idea in this week’s is­sue of the re­search jour­nalNa­ture.

Feb. 7 will mark the three-year an­ni­ver­sa­ry of “Black Sat­ur­day,” when nearly 200 peo­ple died in a mas­sive fire­storm in south­ern Aus­tral­ia. Fires are a con­stant con­cern in the con­ti­nent, said Bow­ma­n, but so are its thriv­ing popula­t­ions of fe­ral pigs, camels, hors­es and cat­tle, among oth­ers.

Bow­man pro­poses to ma­n­age Aus­tral­ia’s trou­bled ec­o­sys­tem by in­tro­duc­ing beasts such as ele­phants, rhi­noc­er­os and even Ko­modo drag­ons. These would help con­sume flam­ma­ble grasses and con­trol fe­ral-animal popula­t­ions, he ar­gues.

The larg­est liv­ing land mam­mal na­tive to Aus­tral­ia is the red kan­ga­roo, which as an adult weighs about as much as an av­er­age ma­n. Larg­er mam­mals used to roam the con­ti­nent—such as a hippo-sized mar­su­pi­al re­lat­ed to the wom­bat and called di­pro­to­don, from the Great Ice Age—but they are no more.

The de­lib­er­ate in­tro­duc­tion by hu­ma­ns of po­pu­lations of over­sized, non-na­tive mam­mals to a new conti­nent would be un­prec­e­dent­ed in modern times. One group, though, has pro­posed in­tro­duc­ing large Af­ri­can mam­mals in­to the Great Plains of the Un­ited States, for some­what diff­erent rea­sons than those moti­vating Bow­man.

Australian Outback Photo Gallery

Australian National Ballet

Queensland: Birdsville
4 min - 19 Aug 2009


Carol Baxter is my distant cousin. She has not directly contributed to this weblog, and has not ever in fact acknowledged its existence, but because of the valuable information I received from reading her website about our family, I am very indebted to her.
Another family website helped me considerably. This was "Our Williams Story" by another distant cousin, Kieran Williams
Our Williams Story
I am heartened by the many emerging websites about the descendants of William Nash and Maria Haynes.
Then there are the many threads from Monaro Pioneers.
Thank you for all the sources.
I am hoping that when I am no longer able to continue (being nearly 79) that someone else wll pick up the ball and continue my blog.Of course I have included my political views and my non-religious attitudes because they are part of me and readers do not have to accept them, but may actually learn a little from them.



Monaro Pioneers newsletter

illust: Marion Westmacott ©ANBG

The view west from Geilston Bay.Tas.July, to enlarge.

new look at aussie historyYoda looks tough over the orchestra.
Cobb and co. coach out of Ballarat.

very top...Painting of original first fleet leaving England in 1787 (Jonathan King) public radio stations

This site works best with Chrome or Firefox.

descendants of John Williams sen.

The Bushwackers Band - Shores Of Botany Bay

put in any address and this map will find it.
early pioneer photos ,

William Nash came to Australia as a Marine with the First Fleet 1788
William and Mariah's first child, William, was baptised on Sunday 25th May 1788
A wedding was celebrated at St Phillip's, Sydney, on 13 February 1789, between William Nash, a marine, and Maria Haynes, a convict, in the presence of Elizabeth Gratten and Samuel Barnes (Chaplain's clerk)
Mariah Haynes is not listed in John Cobley's 'Crimes of the First Fleet Convicts'
By 1803 William & Maria had separated, and she took the children with her. Maria later became associated with two other men, Robert Guy and in 1816, with William Neale.

6 Children1. William Nash born on 25 May 1788, buried on Friday 19th June 1789, a marine's child.
2. John Nash baptised 15 Jan 1792 (a family source names him William)
3. Mary Nash born 2 March 1793 and baptised 2 April
4. William Nash born 27 March 1795 and baptised 4 May
5. George Nash born 26 July 1797
6. Sarah Nash was born 16 Nov 1798
6. Sarah Nash 16 Nov 1798 wed on the 15th January 1814 at St John's, Parramatta, to John Williams (a convict), 13 children

On 25th April 2010 Stephen Hawking, leading academic and cosmologist, told the Sunday Times: “We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach.” He also points out that making contact with aliens could be very risky, stating: “If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.”

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Date and time.



(below:) Convicts on way to 14 years penal servitude in Botany Bay. England's loss was Australia's gain. Most had committed crimes that would get them now only a fine.

Crimes of the Old Bailey.
Wallace Street and Corner Store, Braidwood
late 19th century. My father Hector Griscom Williams was born in nearby Araluen in 1909.
Saltwater crocodiles
2:03Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace.

scroll down for regional newspapers.

Date and time Vancouver B.C.
Disrupt - Religion is a Fraud
3 min - 12 Sep 2008
Uploaded by mrnetosanchez666
Church of Scientology -Fraud and Religion
4 min - 27 Dec 2009
Uploaded by reflect7

John Kerswell: A Welsh plasterer transported in 1828 at the age of 20 years to 15 years for stealing. Absconding four times and charged with being drunk three times, granted ToL in 1856 and Conditional Pardon in 1857. However, he received 20 years imprisonment for attempting to stab a policeman. He was released from Port Arthur in 1875.

William Forster: At age 17 years was transported for ten years for stealing a box writing desk. Misdemeanour followed misdemeanour and sentence added to sentence until in 1864 he was sentnenced to life for robbery under arms. The last mention of him is in 1872 when he was sent to the Separate Prison for misconduct.

Alexander Woods: A soldier with the 17th Regiment, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Woods (aged 30) was transported from Canada to Port Arthur for 14 years for desertion.
Returned to Hobart with a ToL in 1853 but returned to PA again in 1865 for 15 years for burglary. He was a church attendant in 1869 and was discharged in 1875.

ow ya goin' mate? Orright, eh?

Ric Williams, blog editor Home

Welcome. If you disagree, tell me. Then I'll tell you why you're wrong.

Eureka Stockade Animated flag (Australia)australian flag pictureAboriginal Animated flag (Australia)

u tube Australia.

On a Sydney train
u tube Australia
kite surfing Australia
Kings cross Sydney
Steve Irwin crocodile clips
komodo dragon
curious street title

Gropecunt Lane

Gropecunt Lane was a name used in Oxford, London and other Englishtowns and cities in the Middle Ages for streets where prostitutes conducted their business. The name derives from cunt, the Middle English term forfemale genitalia, and the act of groping. There was also a Gropecunt Lane inDublin, Ireland near where the Savoy Cinema is now. Later sensibilities changed many names of streets bearing this name to more polite variations.

In London, the street that was Gropecunt Lane was near the present-day site of the Barbican Centre in the City of London. The street was called Grub Street in the 18th century, but renamed Milton Street in 1830 . Another street with a similar history in Southwark is Horselydown Lane ("whores lie down"), which is just to the south of Tower Bridge, and was also the site of the famousAnchor Brewhouse.

Discovery Channel science:

first Australians



First Australians Watch Online Now!

A new
on the history of Australia
First Australians

Sydney slums of the 40's.

Sydney Downtown You Tube.

Short history of Australia
Butcher's shop Ballarat circa 1890.

ow ya goin' mate? Orright, eh?

Ric Williams, blog editor.

Welcome. Give your considered opinion , ideas , stories, photos etc about early pioneer Australia.. Ric Williams

medical advice

Australian videos online free.

vancouver time-lapse.

Hang-gliding at Stanwell Tops, Australia.

Comedian on Religion (F word is used)


Views of Braidwood environs, Eden-Monaro. Here were various pioneer holdings of the Williams Family and relatives.

Overlooking Braidwood from the foothills of Mt Gillamatong
Braidwood Old Style Charm
BIG SURF Bells BeachAustralia (HD)
3 min - 14 Jun 2009
Uploaded by mcm0001

Official: Bondi Beach Gets Flipped! Towel ...
2 min - 3 Nov 2009
Uploaded by theflip
Snow Gums, Southern Alps.

Old houses West End Vancouver B.C.

Read Dallas Darling and other prominent thinkers.

(Dallas Darling is the author of Politics 501: An A-Z Reading on Conscientious Political Thought and Action, Some Nations Above God: 52 Weekly Reflections On Modern-Day Imperialism, Militarism, And Consumerism in the Context of John's Apocalyptic Vision, and The Other Side Of Christianity: Reflections on Faith, Politics, Spirituality, History, and Peace. He is a correspondent for You can read more of Dallas' writings at and
Congressman Paul Ryan
Professor Niall Ferguson of Harvard (video)

The Aussie Attitude to religion.

Female Convicts Rebelling, Mooning - bushrangers photo
Call me (Canada) 1* 604 800 5017
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ic W

illiams, blog editor.

Welcome. Give your considered opinion, ideas , stories, photos etc about early pioneer Australia.. Ric Williams

Mongolia's wild horses.

hillbilly dances a jig with jug of beer animated gif

A press for fruit and grapes is useful for those making alcohol from a fruit ... Then I bring them to a boil and mash them with a potato masher untill ALL ...
May 29, 2009 ... Vodka is made from potatoes in the process of enzymatic conversion when the yeast ferments the sugars into ethanol.
Feb 21, 2010 ... Making alcohol is so easy just follow ...

(above) Sydney Harbour today.
(below)Sydney Cove 1788. Older Posts
visual history of the world

Go away, whitefella! This bin blackfella country.


View of Harbour...Cassis France.

Lolita, my heartthrob of the 60's.

Below: Light of my life, fire of my loins... The image that will never age: "Lolita"

(Stanley Kubrick, 1962).


We come in Third with Williams.


is a patronymic form of the name William that originated in medieval England[2] and later came to be extremely popular in Wales. The meaning is derived from son or descendant of Guillemin, the French form of William. Derived from an Old French given name with Germanicelements; will = desire, will; and helm = helmet, protection.[3] It is the second most common surname in Wales and the third most common surname in the whole of the United Kingdom, the third most common in the United States of America and Australia and the fifth most common inNew Zealand.[4]

Old Harry Williams was asked how was it that the long list of Williams lead by far those of Nash over the last couple of hundred years.

"Well, let's see.Them Nashes they was more posh and they kept the family bible, so we lot had nothing to read at night.There was no T.V. in them days, and we didn't want to waste candles, so we used to all jump in bed together and make more Williams's."


Statistics are drawn from Australian government records of 2007.[1]

NASH 4487persons

have name Nash in Australia
#NameNumber of people

Australia. The first fleet sailed from England in 1787 carrying marine William Nash and his common law wife Maria Haynes. They were the progenitors of an extensive Nash family in Australia. Another early settler was Andrew Nash. He had acquired the Woolpack Inn in Parramatta in 1821 and became well-known for the prowess of his racehorses. A later settler from Wiltshire was James Nash. He discovered gold along the Mary river in Queenland and helped precipitate the second Australian gold rush.

There were also Nash convicts in Australia. Some thrived; Robert Nash, transported on the Albemarle in 1791; John Nash on the Eleanor in 1831; and Michael Nash from Limerick, on the Rodney in 1851.

You are not just you. are not just you. You are a community of trillions of cells and at least 100 trillion microbes acting as a community.
Physics of the Impossible - by Michio Kaku.PDFPhysics of the Impossible - by Michio Kaku.PDF
2981K View Download

Videos for physics of the impossible...michio kaku

Physics of the Impossible
23 min - 8 Jul 2009
Uploaded by UChannel
Michio Kaku: "Physics of the Impossible" Talk ...
7 min - 4 May 2008
Uploaded by TalkToTara
Michio Kaku - 'Physics Of The Impossible' [1/2]
11 min - 21 Jul 2008
Uploaded by rishwanm

List of Australian Newspapers.


This is my niece in the Philippines who
needs serious attention from some sincere young man.

Neither here nor there.

If a man was on an escalator, but walking back down it and the elevator was located in a revolving restaurant on a large airliner going in a southerly direction and the earth was revolving on its axis and at the same time was travelling in an elliptical path around the sun, which was travelling around the galaxy, which was many movements was the man travelling in?

Wild man of North Australia.

I met Michael (Tarzan) Fomenko(shown here at 81 years) son of a Russian Princess when I was 18 and he was twenty. He was a handsome young man. I was in love with his sister Nina Fomenko, who was gracious to me but held my ardour at arms' length. In later years I met her in North Queensland where she and her husband Brian Patrick Donnellan were cutting cane. They had no mattress to sleep on, so I bought them one. Nina was always beautiful. (Ric)

Toonoom Falls
Situated in the heart of Royal National Park to the south of Sydney, Toonoum Falls is a pretty, 5 metre high waterfall alongside Sir Bertram Steven Drive not far from the Garie turnoff. The photo shows the falls in flood.
Location: Royal National Park.

In the fifties, I lived close to here in a rock shelter once used by Aborigines. I used to swim in this creek a little further down the hill. My family thought I was crazy and I probably was, but life here on the edge of the National Park was idyllic if you could bear the flies, mosquitoes, snakes and centipedes.. (Ric)

Aussie Little Nasties.
HMS Sirius, the main Naval ship with the First Fleet, under Captain John Hunter RN. Had been built in 1780 as Berwick for the East Indies run, badly burned in a fire, and rebuilt by Navy, renamed Sirius, finally wrecked off Norfolk Island on the 14th. of April 1790

HMS Sirius, the main Naval ship with the First Fleet, under Captain John Hunter RN.
Had been built in 1780 as Berwick for the East Indies run, badly burned in a fire, and rebuilt by Navy, renamed Sirius, finally wrecked off Norfolk Island on the 14th. of April 1790.

Freethought Radio.
media channel,

australian flag picture highlight Aboriginal Animated flag (Australia)Eureka Stockade Animated flag (Australia)

*The Australian Lyre Bird is the world's best imitator; able to mimic the calls of 15 different species of birds in their locality and string the calls into a melody. Also been known to mimic the sound mobile phones.

*The echidna is such a unique animal that it is classified in a special class of mammals known asmonotremes, which it shares only with the platypus. The echidna lays eggs like a duck but suckles its young in a pouch like a kangaroo. For no apparent reason, it may decide to conserve energy by dropping its body temperature to 4 degrees and remain at that temperature from 4 to 120 days. Lab experiments have shown that the echidna is more intelligent that a cat and it has been seen using its spikes, feet and beaks to climb up crevices like a mountaineer edging up a rock chimney.

*Purple wallaby - The Purple-neck Rock Wallaby [Petrogale Purpureicollis], inhabits the Mt Isa region in Northwest Queensland. The Wallaby secretes a dye that transforms its face and neck into colours ranging from light pink to bright purple.

*The Fierce Snake or Inland Taipan has the most toxic venom of any snake. Maximum yield recorded (for one bite) is 110mg. That would probably be enough to kill over 100 people or 250,000 mice.

*The Wombat deposits square poos on logs, rocks and even upright sticks that it uses tomark its territory.

*A 10kg Tasmanian Devil is able to exert the same biting pressure as a 40kg dog. It can also eat almost a third of its body weight in a single feeding.

*Australia is the smallest, flattest, and driest inhabited continent in the world. It is the only country which is also a whole continent.

*Over 90% of Australia is dry, flat and arid. Almost three-quarters of the land cannot support agriculture in any form.

*A baby kangaroo at the time of its birth measures 2 centimetres.

birth of joey

*Kangaroos need very little water to survive and are capable of going for months without drinking at all. When they do need water, they dig 'wells' for themselves; frequently going as deep as three or four feet. These 'kangaroo pits' are a common source of water for other animals living in the kangaroo's environment.

Kangaroo attacks dog, man. ^

*A kangaroo being chased by a dog may jump into a dam. If the dog gives chase, the kangaroo may turn towards the dog, then use its paws to push the dogs head underwater in order to drown it.

*Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards, and are on the Australian coat of arms for that reason.

*A monotreme is a animal that lays eggs and suckles its young. The world's only monotremes are the platypus and the echidna.

*The male platypus has a poisonous spine that can kill a dog and inflict immense pain on a human.

*When a specimen of the platypus was first sent to England, it was believed the Australians had played a joke by sewing the bill of a duck onto a rat.

*Box Jelly fish - The box jellyfish is considered the world's most venomous marine creature. The box jellyfish has killed more people in Australia than stonefish, sharks and crocodiles combined.

*The Sydney Funnelweb spider is considered the world's most deadly spider. It is the only spider that has killed people in less than 2 hours. Its fangs are powerful enough to bite through gloves and fingernails. The only animals without immunity to the funnelweb's venom are humans and monkeys.

*Lung fish - Queensland is home to lung fish, a living fossil from the Triassic period 350 million years ago.


*It is estimated that by the time transportation ended in 1868, 40 per cent of Australia's English-speaking population were convicts.
*A census taken in 1828 found that half the population of NSW were Convicts, and that former Convicts made up nearly half of the free population.

*In 2007, it was estimated that 22 per cent of living Australians had a convict ancestor.

*Convicts were not sent to Australia for serious crimes. Serious crimes, such as murder, rape, or impersonating an Egyptian were given the death sentence in England.

*Crimes punishable by transportation included recommending that politicians get paid, starting a union, stealing fish from a river or pond, embezzlement, receiving or buying stolen goods, setting fire to underwood, petty theft, or being suspected of supporting Irish terrorism.

* Alcohol- It has been reported that the first European settlers in Australia drank more alcohol per head of population than any other community in the history of mankind.

* Police force - Australia's first police force was a band of 12 of the most well behaved Convicts.

* Mass moonings - In 1832, 300 female Convicts at the Cascade Female Factory mooned the Governor of Tasmania during a chapel service. It was said that in a "rare moment of collusion with the Convict women, the ladies in the Governor's party could not control their laughter.

Photo of the arrival of the Lady Juliana at Sydney Cove.

The arrival of the Lady Juliana at Sydney Cove.

Photo of Ann Marsh managing her company, the Parramatta River Boat Service.

Ann Marsh managing her company, the Parramatta River Boat Service.

Living in a Quantum World
2 min - 6 days ago
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The Weird Quantum World (11 of 15)
3 min - 1 Mar 2008
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God & the Origin of Life: Myth of the Organic ...
54 min - 3 Jun 2008
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Origin of Life 1. Life Came From Other Planets ...
23 min - 27 May 2008
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George Carlin

World conflict map. Atheist Empire.

Atheist Empire

Street views Australia

Web Link: Google unveils Street View across Australia Link opens in new browser window

aboriginal culture

The Aspect changes man's scientific beliefs to unproven suppositions.

aussie comedy



Astronomy picture of the day.(press)

In the Shadow of Saturn