I imagine he passes my door at night, checks his list written on a parchment scroll then reluctantly moves on. Possibly there will be a problem of where to put me, as I am not sinful enough to spend eternity in Hell or deserving to suffer the boring bliss of Heaven.
I had a dream last night, in the same world I always go to.
This time I visited a rough area of a city that I seem to inhabit in the other existence, a sort of slum hippie area. There was this very beautiful woman I persuaded to sleep with me. When she undressed she had large deep ulcers on her legs and ankles. I think we did it, but there was conflict with me fighting several men and the theft of some of my considerable money I had with me. Maybe I did not lose it all. I remember the woman who had long black hair and looked like Cher. The dreams seem very real. Sometimes I think when I die I will just go to this other world. I have no belief in heaven or hell. This other world will do,which may be a Celtic "Valhalla" of the Druids, embedded in my genetic memories. There, I am in my prime still.... not a lustless, listless, soon- to- be non-ambulatory nursing-home patient, habitually drugged, of diminished brain and aching muscles, plagued by false memories.
There, women, liquor and fighting still interest me. In my reawakened state (I cannot remember the details,) I recall vaguely often getting lost on the subway and buses of this other world city, (which seems to have distorted features of places I might have been) I am always forgetting where I left my old car

Long Bay Gaol.
When I was 22 they put me in a small cell, 9x7 feet with two others, one a murderer and another a thief. The murderer had killed his woman friend with a lump of wood while she was getting through a barbed wire fence because she had been flirting with a man at a party. They were all drunk at the time. He kept praying to God saying he was sorry. Finally after some days of this, I told him to stop or I would bloodywell kill him. He did not stop but blubbered on, a hulking, sandy- red-haired with a rough red skin and watery blue eyes. Finally I snapped. Perhaps it was the pervasive smell of the half-full can in the corner of the cell they gave us for ablutions during the eighteen hours of the day we were locked up.
Perhaps it was the human stink of three unwashed, unwanted humans that triggered me.
Finally I grabbed the murderer's head and slammed it a few times on the concrete floor. The thief stopped me from killing the murderer by banging me on my back with his fist.
I barely recall being dragged to the " black hole," an extended time in solitary, maybe a few days or several weeks, with no blanket or bed...just a coir mat on the floor, a bucket and a water jug with little light and nothing to do but let the visions come. They comforted me.
Callan Park Mental Hospital.
When I was about thirty (or maybe before) I was living more or less as a hermit out in the bush and I had this eerie feeling late one night. Some spirit was approaching me . It was out there on the other side of the wall of the shack and seemed to be extending itself as it reached me through the wall, slowing entering my body through my solar plexis (belly/button)
It was transparent, slightly blue-greyish and had no definite form.It was like a thick fog, alive though..
I pushed it out of my body with my abdominal muscles and concentrating hard in my clouding mind, by counting one to twenty repeatedly.It seemed to get weaker and retreated out of me and ebbed away through the wall into the darkness outside.
Walking down the dark, bush- track back to my shack at three in the morning, I was aware of moving shapes and ghost-like Banksia trees, but these did not scare me, as I was a creature of the night and moved quietly among them.
I tried to stay awake that night (in case the apparition came back ) and I sleepily greeted the greyness of the picinnini daylight creeping mistlike from the hills near Garie Beach.
During my life since, I have never had that experience again.
Sometimes this almost brings a tinge of regret, because the spirit (or whatever it was) seemed to be an errant part of my psyche, a lost experience.
Psychiatry's Electroconvulsive www.antipsychiatry.org
A Crime Against Humanity
by Lawrence Stevens, J.D.
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