IT HAPPENED BEFORE.....KOREA,VIETNAM, IRAQ and soon AFGHANISTAN.......America always says it won.
American soldiers' bodies among allied bodies in the great retreat from the communist Chinese in I952, Korea War.
Mutilated by U.S. bombing in Iraq.
Did they bring peace to Iraq?
Did they beat Al Qaeda? No.
What in the hell did they do then?
Soldier: "We spent a trillion dollars of taxpayer's money and lost five thousand men dead and thirty thousand crippled for life".
So America won again, right?
Last helicopters take retreating U.S. soldiers from Vietnam.
U.S. troops in retreat in Korea, 1950.(photo censored by Firefox)
THE NATION Defeat The U.S. and its allies stood at the abyss of disaster. The Chinese Communists, pouring across the Manchurian border, had smashed the U.N. army, this week were clawing forward to pursue and destroy its still-organized fragments. Caught in the desperate retreat were 140,000 American troops, the flower of the U.S. Army—almost the whole effective Army the U.S. had.
It was defeat—the worst defeat the U.S. had ever suffered. Even though the U.N. forces might still have the luck, skill and power to slow the Communist drive and withdraw in good order from the devastated peninsula, it was a defeat that could not be redressed in Korea. If this defeat were allowed to stand, it would mean the loss of Asia to Communism.
The only way the statesmen could save the U.N. forces would be through a plea for an armistice, or acceptance of a deal with the Communists. By any such deal, Communism would emerge triumphant. The alternative was war—that is, a recognition of the terrible fact that the U.S. and Communist China were already in a state of war. That would mean, inescapably, a campaign against the mainland of China by sea and air.
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